Call for Papers
Call for Papers Deadline
Friday, November 22, 2024
SEDSI Invites Your Submissions
SEDSI invites your submissions of abstracts, papers and posters. Prospective authors are invited to submit original research abstracts / papers (NOT submitted or published or under consideration anywhere in other conference/journals.)
Presentations at the conference will be based on submission and acceptance. If you choose to submit a poster, an abstract should be submitted using our submission system.
We invite contributions from across all the disciplines relevant to decision sciences. Topics include but are not limited to:
- Analytics, Big Data Applications, Business Intelligence, Data Mining, Statistics and Expert Systems
- Data Analytics and Statistics Instruction (DASI) (Invited sessions only)
- Healthcare, Public Sector and Not for Profit Management
- IS, IT, Blockchain Technology and Social Media
- Information Privacy, Security and System Resilience, Business Ethics, Business Law
- Innovative Education, Assessment, Engaged Learning Curriculum, Teaching and Pedagogy
- Management, Marketing, Accounting, Economics and Finance, Strategy, Organizational Behavior Organizational Theory, Human Resource Management, Consumer Behavior, International Business
- Production and Service Operations Management
- Student Papers (Undergraduate, Master and Ph.D Students)
- Sustainability, SCM, Quality Management, Logistics, Hospitality, Recreation and Sports
COMPETITIVE PAPERS—The submission of a competitive paper or abstract for review means the author certifies that the paper is original and has not been previously copyrighted, published, presented, or submitted for publication or presentation. For an accepted paper to be published in the proceedings, at least one author must register for the meeting and present the paper during the meeting. Outstanding papers will be selected and recognized at the meeting luncheon on January 31,2025.
SYMPOSIA, PANELS, TUTORIALS, AND WORKSHOPS—Proposals for symposia, tutorials, and workshops must be at least two (2) pages long describing what you intend to do and why it would be of interest and importance to members of the Institute. Submissions should follow the general guidelines presented below although considerable latitude will be allowed as to the content and format of these sessions. You must provide your own specialized computers or other equipment needed for the session (SEDSI will provide LCD projectors). All participants in symposia, tutorials, and workshops must register and attend the meeting.
PROCEEDINGS—The SEDSI will publish electronic Proceedings online containing all papers presented at the meeting as well as summaries of all symposia, tutorials, and workshops. Authors are responsible to adhere to the standards outlined online for publication in the Proceedings. Notification of acceptance or rejection should occur in December 2024, and accepted papers will be due in final form by January 10, 2025.
Review all the materials and information about submitting your paper for the upcoming meeting.