SEDSI Spring 2021 Webinar Program
Welcome Remark 1:00-1:05 pm, Eastern Time | Thursday, February 11, 2021
Cheryl Aashiem | SEDSI President
Section 1 1:05-1:50 pm, Eastern Time | Thursday, February 11, 2021
Topic: Teaching Statistics and Analytics using an Exciting Game
Section Chair:
Merrill Warkentin, Mississippi State UniversitySections Presenters:
Andy Schwarz (LSU), Alan Dennis (Indiana), Merrill Warkentin (Mississippi State), and Andrew Nelson (Half Full Nelson)
The team will introduce and demonstrate a graphically-rich exciting new game that can be used to teach students the principles of statistics and business analytics by running a pizza restaurant called “Vertical Slice.” This game is played in the cloud and your students can play it for short or long periods as they price the pizzas, hire staff, order inventory, and more. The game is graphically rich with colorful avatars representing the customers and employees. The objective is to keep customers happy and maximize profits, which are displayed at the top. The game is challenging and immersive – your students will love it. It can be used alongside any textbook for a fraction of the cost – very affordable. Works within the browser, PC or Mac. Can export data to work with in the classroom. Can report the score to the faculty.
Come see the game in action and imagine yourself letting your students have fun learning statistics and analytics!
Section 2 2:00-2:50 pm, Eastern Time | Thursday, February 11, 2021
Topic: Business Analytics and Experiential Learning During COVID 19
Section Chair:
Shawn Lough, James Madison UniversitySection Presenters:
Ping Wang (TAMU), Denise Benton (UL Lafayette), William Ritchie (JMU)
The first presentation will introduce R packages with recent advancements of regression-based estimation methods to analyze challenging data such as unobtrusively collected “digital exhaust” data. The second presentation will take a critical look at the typical topics in introductory statistics classes from the perspective of the knowledge needed for business intelligence and business analytics. The third presentation describes an international supply chain project whereby students and faculty partnered with a nonprofit organization to source, store, and ship medical equipment and supplies to Africa. The presentation illustrates experiential learning activities in which students participate in procuring donated equipment, warehousing, ERP inventory documentation, container loading and logistics, and vessel tracking.
Section 3 3:00-3:50 pm, Eastern Time | Thursday, February 11, 2021
Topic: Information Systems, Virtual instructions and Learning During COVID 19
Section Chair:
Hadi Farhangi, Savannah State UniversitySection Presenters:
Uma Gupta (USC Upstate), Colleen C. Wolverton (UL Lafayette), Christie Chen (UT Martin), ChongWoo Park (Augusta University) and Dong-gook Kim (Dalton State College)
The first presentation will show their use of service-learning as a vehicle to teach students about the complexities of data governance and the “messiness” and challenges of crafting and implementing the core concepts of data rather than a lecture-based approach. The second presentation will examine the relationships between faculty engagement and intention to teach online courses, seek to not only understand the factors that influence faculty’s intention to teach online courses but also an instructor’s level of faculty engagement in online courses. The third presentation will share instructor’s experience of instructions and assessments of undergraduate business data analysis techniques tailored to the online environment. The fourth presentation will share the presenters’ effort, instructional improvement, and assessment in online graduate business analytics classes.
Section 4 4:00-4:50 pm, Eastern Time | Thursday, February 11, 2021
Topic: Editors’ Panel
Panel Chair:
Binshan Lin, Louisiana State University ShreveportPanel Presenters:
Editors-in-Chief of 13 Journals
In the Editors’ Panel, editors of invited journals in the fields will present their journals and give insightful publishing guidelines. The editors will discuss the most critical issues relevant to authors leading to better chances of paper acceptance. The panel is an excellent opportunity for the authors to increase their publishing achievements.
- Decision Science Journal | Xenophon Koufteros, Texas A& M University, and Sri Talluri, Michigan University
- Electronic Government, An International Journal | June Wei, University of West Florida
- Expert Systems with Applications | Binshan Lin, Louisiana State University Shreveport
- Human Systems Management | Nada Trunk, International School for Social and Business Studies, Slovenia
- International Journal of Electronic Finance | Jiaqin Yang, Georgia College & State University
- International Journal of Innovation and Learning | Kongkiti Phusavat, Kasetsart University, Thailand
- International Journal of Mobile Communications | June Wei, University of West Florida
- Journal of Computer Information Systems | Alex Koohang, Middle Georgia State University
- Journal of Intellectual Capital | Merrill Warkentin, Mississippi State University
- Journal of Supply Chain Management | Barb Flynn, Indiana University
- International Journal of Sustainable Economy | Egon Žižmond, University of Primorska, Slovenia
- Machine Learning with Applications | Binshan Lin, Louisiana State University Shreveport
- Management and Production Engineering Review | Joanna Paliszkiewicz, Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Poland